I am as old as my hairstyle - how can I look a bit younger?

Depends on what you need - colour might help.  Always use a colour at least 2 shades lighter. 

If I ask for a red hairstyle - how do I choose the right color for me as there are so many different red's?

You are not going to a paint shop - you are going to a professional stylist that will first look at your hair color before making suggestions.  There are so many vibrant colors but it might look different on your hair than on the sample.  Experience might save you to re-color!

Must I use special shampoo after a color and if so why/

Protect your investment.  You paid for that stunning hair-do why wash it out with cheap or too strong shampoo?  Your color will last longer and why not enjoy it a bit longer?

I am a swimmer - how do I best protect my hair?

Hannon has a range specially made for swimmers - from shampoo, conditioner and other products.  Another tip could be to wet your hair before you swim - then the hair will not soak up so much of the chlorine water protecting your hair.  But a good shampoo and conditioner is a must.

In today's economy it becomes expensive to cut your hair every month - how often do I have to?

You need to cut your hair at least every 6 weeks - we have budget plans that makes it easier.  If you book for 3 appointments you get a special rate, for colour, cuts and up-styles.  Ask for a price list or budget options

Let's talk about fashion, hair and style